
Tailored online workshops in human-centred design thinking

Cavendish Group has partnered with The University of Texas at Austin School of Design and Creative Technologies (SDCTx) to deliver online workshops designed to upskill organisations in design thinking – taking a solution-based, human-centred approach to solving problems. Our courses offer professional training and development in the application and adoption of a design-thinking practice.

From schools and universities, to businesses and government agencies, equipping teams and individuals with skill sets that transcend market trends increases our collective ability to apply creative solutions to the problems within modern society. By enabling organisations to remain relevant, we support them in delivering impactful work that addresses global inequities.

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Workshops include:

Design Thinking Fundamentals

A 2-day, immersive learning experience designed for understanding the design thinking methodology and framework. Participants develop strong foundational knowledge of design thinking and build skills for applying design thinking techniques within their organizational contexts.

Sponsored Design Studio

An executive-sponsored design studio customized to guide participants in crafting potential solutions to authentic problems that the organization is facing while upskilling their understanding of design thinking through individual and behavioral transformation.

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Visit The School of Design and Creative Technologies Extension at UT Austin for more information

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